Is it just me that can see the profit in having options to turn off/on certain FX and post processes to make this game run smoother /cater to individual tastes and give access to built in features of cryengine3 like TIME of DAY (or even just turn it on for MP), maybe its just me and PC owners that want/need tweakable options. Other PS3 games have options to turn off motion blur etc it should not be an option only for PC - its not like its impossible or difficult its just a choice by devs. Tweaking graphics is just as important as sound and contoller options. And its an ism when PC gets these options and console owners dont - especially on Multi format engines.
Put it this way, would you like to have the option to have more control of your games PS3 people ? Would you like you game to look at little less beautiful ,less fuzzy , to get your frames per sec up ? Not even online??? Would you like the option of total button layout customisation ? Do you want choice ?