**About me**:
The first time I play a game, I will always set the game on the hardest difficulty setting! Why?!... You might ask. Because I love the Challenge and competition! I am very competitive in all aspects in the gaming world Both Solo and Multiplayer.
**First Impression**:
Crysis 2 is the First Crytek product I own. Multiplatform FTW! or maybe . SO first off, Crysis 2 is pretty amazing, at some points but overall amazing. The Crysis 2 Solo campaign is in depth and has tactical advantages to complete missions. Brilliant move and also raises the playability of this title. Multiplayer on the other hand
Needs massive amounts of love and new coding!
>**MULTIPLAYER = No Feeling**<:
Where do I begin? There are OMG amounts of Bugs! but I will focus more on the game mechanics.
The multiplayer combat feels soulless. Shooting and Meleeing enemies felt unfilled, EMPTY! If I am shooting or hitting an enemy SUPER Soldier I'd expect to feel like I am Shooting and Hitting a Super Soldier wearing A NANO Suit with amazing amounts of Strength and Armor. Hit markers and contact should make you feel like you are hitting something. I play with the controller vibration off but that is no valid excuse to not implement a sense of feel when coming into contact with an Enemy. Pump up the FEEL METER!
The animations are NOT visually appealing and it is not believable. If this Game used MoCap, omg would have it looked amazing when dying. Player Movements are one of the most important components in any successful FPS. It has to look and feel good in third Person before it will Look and feel good In First Person. That should be a general RULE when creating Multiplayer games! Better yet ANY game! I still Play Crysis 2 online. Honestly I am starting to feel Ehh! Sort of like when you buy a Brand new car and then you find out it has all kinds of problems with it mechanically. You lose that Spark and then rip all the plastic covers off the seats and think aloud" why in the world were these issues not addressed and tested valorously in the engineering stages"?!?!?! Ok ok.. You might not say that phrase exactly but you will know what you’re feeling and that Feeling is the Feeling of Disappointment. Being let down is one of the most depressing and Mood Changing experiences u can ever live threw.
CryTek... (How ironic the name CRytek is)
Let this be a lesson for IMPORTING PC Games onto Gaming Consoles with the "Patch it as they play method"!TM
I love CRYSIS 2 but the gaming Mechanics are rather poor. If I were a QOA Lead tester, Crysis 2 would have been the Most Fulfilling Multilayer experience any person has ever played and witnessed. Even with the Controller Vibrating function turned OFF. Put a Product into my hands and I will make sure that product won’t let the world down. It's how I roll in person.
Feel free to reply Crytek and fellow Forum users.