Ingredient's list
2 banana yuca fruit.
5 c4 explosives.
1 bottle of wine.
2 Buffalo gourd seed.
1 detonator.
Cannibalism perk
And bloody mess perk.
Ok first when you are in Caesars camp place c4 under him and his body guards once that is done go as far away as possible. And then detonate once that is done go up to Caesars body and drag him onto a table. Now take out your cleaver and do a power atack untell the bloody mess perk makes him explode once that is done. add the banana yuca fruit and buffalo gourd seed add your favorite body part on a plate with the banana yuca and buffalo gourd seed. now sit down and before your about to eat some drink your wine. once that is done enjoy your Caesar salad. YUM! :tops:
Last recipe was sunny smiles soup.