» Fri Apr 01, 2011 2:36 pm
The only thing similar to that in FO3 is the schematics, which vary in price from 600 to 1500 caps or so.
Personally, whenever I hit up a vendor I buy up every scrap of ammo, especially powder-based ammos (.32, .308, .44, 5.56mm, 5mm, shotgun). I'll also buy up every collectible item (blood packs, scrap metal, teddy bears). Occasionally I'll buy up their entire stock of frag grenades, combat helmets (as it's hard to find repair sources for combat helmets), or anything used to make the special weapons. A lot of the weapons sell for more then the cost to purchase the components, so it's a way to make money.
I always keep a stash of loot in my home base, things like pre-war money, pre-war books, scrap metal, teddy bears, laser pistols/rifles, assault rifles, meats, bloods, chems, etc.
Once I have 3000+ caps, I no longer feel the need to take every last thing to the merchant. If I'm going to the merchant to make a 1500 cap purchase, I can always scraqe up enough meats, spare chems, old weapons or armor so that I go to the merchant and get caps back from the transaction. But early on, I'm saluaging everything that isn't nailed down in places like Springvale, Greyditch, Jury Street, etc. Later on, it has to have a 10:1 cap:WG ratio for me to pick it up.