If you play smart, you should rarely need to use Stimpaks, even with low DR of 30 or less. I usually only carry 30 or so when I leave my home base. If I'm lucky, I might use one or two before returning home.
Set the stage, know where your fallback points are, know which enemies need to die first, and have an evac route. A lightly armored character needs to survive by wits and stealth. Sneak attacks that insta-kill your opponent are critical. Know when to use a grenade as your opening attack and where/how to laydown mines. Fight smart, you don't have the armor or toughness to sit there and slug it out. Lure mobs around corners, make sure only 1 or 2 can shoot you at the same time. Most encounters, I can get away with barely a scratch (less then 5% health lost).
Worst situation for me are enemy thrown frag grenades, especially in the 2nd worst situation of close-quarters combat with nowhere to run. Such as the entrance to the Museum of Technology when MMM decides to grace me with multiple Super-Mutant Brutes/Masters. In which case I'm going to be using 2 frag grenades at the start, followed by column dancing while I use a CAR or combat shotgun. Everything after that point is easy because I can attack from shadow, then retreat down a long corridor where I have frag mines laid out every 10 meters to soften up enemies that manage to close the distance.
Very good advice to all. I too use mine traps to my advantage, for example, I jump up and down, disappear round the corner, they step on a mine, I finish them. Or the best, creating a "funnel" of laid mines so that they "pinball" off the mines trying to get to me... and end up in my kill zone. In my current play style restrictions, I'm only carrying a few stims, leather armor. So it's in my best interest to scout ahead, figure out a solution and be the trapper, not the trappee.
Column dancing lol. :drool: