[quote]Because this game is mostly about graphics. If I didn't care about graphics, I would go back to playing Infiltration - UT1 mod. Best game ever made.
As for 360 graphics being shown in the video, did you notice the PC mark at the right corner? Obviously, they considered that PC graphics.
Why do I doubt their work? Simple. MONEY TALKS. Crytek is in this for the money. They want to sell this to console players with PC players as an afterthought.[/quote]
obviously in a dark environment with pretty much no shadow casting lights (deferred lighting doesnt cause shadows) the only real PC-differences are crisper textures and better effects. both of those are never particularly mindblowing in an alpha version - take a look at early crysis footage! the textures were lower res than most of the ones in the console footage of crysis 2 so far. that AND theyre hardly noticable in the typical internet streaming type of codecs. ive gotten my figurative hands on an actual HD version of some console gameplay (dont remember where i found it, someone posted a DL link on a forum) and it looked like crysis 1 graphics for the most part. ive played through the entire game in very high settings multiple times, and im serious about that statement.
if i was responsible for their previews i would not release gameplay of the same level(s) as the console version (i'd capture a daylight scene with sunshafts and everything) but i guess its the most refined level they have so far, simple as that. going back to the 3D trailer, be it real time or not, it looked amazing. and thats what i expect of the final game.
pc users arent an "afterthought", crysis 2 is a true multiplatform game, no version is a mere port of another. obviously they put their focus on the console versions so far because thats what everyone is waiting for - "can they achieve the same fidelity on consoles as they did on pc" and theyre succeeding in my opinion. dont lose your hope just yet, they have half a year to implement some more eye candy and in the meantime we can play UT Infiltration