Welcome back! We apologise for the excessive down time that the site has gone through over the last couple of days. We experienced an immense amount of traffic when the demo went live and as you all know, the site fell over.
The web team have been working flat out with resolving the issues related to the forum since then and it appears as though things are starting to stabilise now. Unfortunately we couldn't actually get in to activate the demo forums that we had set up for you guys but they've been activated now and over 250 threads have been moved to their appropriate forums.
We'll endeavour to answer as many questions/threads as possible but there's quite a back log so please don't think we're ignoring you if you're questions aren't answered straight away. In the mean time, please enjoy the site, if you notice any issues please report them in the feedback forum. If you have demo feedback/issues please post them in the appropriate demo forum and as always, play nice
- gamesas Team