hiya, some balance feedback for ya
just been playing a bit with the new versions (since you altered it so raiders dont start with assault rifles), with xfo and mmm
i have to say i reckon now it is too far in the other direction, at the early character levels. i dont mind all the naked raiders running around (although the fact they are in spotless shorts and white shirts is a bit weird!), i think the balance there is ok, maybe not quite enough guns, but the lists are still a bit weird. for example clearing out super duper mart at level 2, i got maybe 10+ raiders with melee weapons or nothing, 1 wastlander 32, a pipe rifle (so far so good, maybe a slightly higher chance of low pistols needed, but good), a pancor jackhammer and a prototype laser pistol
something seems to be wrong here, raiders running around without clothes? Thats for sure not right.
Also Raiders shouldn't have Laser pistols at all and for sure also no pancor jackhammers.
Overall there should be also less melee fighters than in vanilla, definitly something wrong here. I suggest to DL the latest patch and try it again.
Anyways i'll explain with the help of a few screenshots how weapon lists are currently handled in FOOK, might be interesting for you/others (maybe even other modders).
Let's start with the basics. FO uses so called Templates to create the stats, inventory etc. for the NPC's which are later placed in the world. The templates are devided into different Levels (Raiders and most other factions use three levels) and weapon types. See http://fook.homepage.t-online.de/fooklists1.jpg
To change things like outfits, weapons etc. we have to adjust these templates. See http://fook.homepage.t-online.de/fooklists2.jpg
What we do is to create basicly a "placeholder" for all items we want to add to the inventory used by these Raider NPC's. This "placeholder", our list called "XZXInventoryCompleteRaiderLvl1Gun", has two entries. One deals with the outfits and the other one with the weapons. In this case we care only about the weapons (if you finished to read this you might not believe it but the outfit part is a lot more complicated cause there are a lot more "layers" needed to get decent outfit combinations, something that bethesda didnt bother to do). See http://fook.homepage.t-online.de/fooklists3.jpg
Anyways lets go to our weapon list for the Lvl1 Gun Raider. See http://fook.homepage.t-online.de/fooklists4.jpg
Like you can see it is a lot of lists and it can get pretty confusing if you are not familar with the whole system but lets just take a closer look at our weapon list for the Lvl1 gun raiders. See http://fook.homepage.t-online.de/fooklists5.jpg
What you might notice is that it still doesn't contain any actual weapon entries, it is yet another "layer" we use to make changes on a larger scale to the kind of weapons that gets used. In this example we start with a 2:1 ratio of small guns with heavy guns. At level 4 another "heavy guns" list gets added making it a 1:1 ratio ie increasing the number of "heavier weapons" compared to smaller ones.
The NPC Lvl1 Templates get only used till the player reaches Lvl5 then the Lvl2 templates will get used, thats why you dont see more entries in this example. High LVL lists contain a lot more entries like you will see later.
What you can also see on the screenshot are the four different Templates from which we can pick, "Standard Guns", "Small Guns", "Heavy Guns" and "Melee".
We will now look at the "Standard Guns" Template. See http://fook.homepage.t-online.de/fooklists6.jpg
Guess what, finally we see some actual weapon entries. Note that there is a scrollbar so we dont see all entries in the list on that screenshot. What you can see is that every weapon entry (they consist of so called "withammo" lists which are made up of the weapon condition list and an ammo list, this is needed in order for NPC's to use the weapon) can have a Lvl requirement applied to it. This means the player must have Lvl "x" before the item will be available to the NPC. For example are Combat shotguns not available to Raiders till the player reaches Lvl 4.
In this screenshot as well as on other ones you will notice that there are multiple entries of some weapons. This is simply done to keep a certain ratio. That must be done cause the game looks at the list and picks randomly one entry from all available ones (ie the lvl requirement must be fullfilled). This means if there are for example 1 hunting rifle and 1 shotgun available you would have a 50% chance that either one of it appears. Now if you want that its less likely for shotguns to appear you need to add additional entries, lets say 2 more hunting rifles. Now you got 3 hunting rifles and 1 shotgun and have only a 25% chance that a shotgun gets used. That's the basic idea behind the whole thing.
Like you can see we already have a very indeepth system to modify how common/rare weapons are and when they get used.
Things can get rather "messy" and complicate with high level lists. See http://fook.homepage.t-online.de/fooklists7.jpg
A lvl3 weapon template can get very, very, very long if there are dozens of weapons that need to be considered. See http://fook.homepage.t-online.de/fooklists8.jpg
I don't want to constantly bash Bethesda here but compared to our system their lists are a joke and very simple. One could argue that vanilla has few weapons and thus there isn't such a need for a system like ours but tbh it was just lazyness on their part and their lists for outfits are just as simple as the weapon ones and the reason why there was hardly any diversity when it comes to outfits/weapons etc.
Edit: gonna start a new topic, this one has soon reached its end.

Plz continue talk here: http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=966723&st=0&gopid=13966795entry13966795