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Azure Studios is currently working on a mod for Fallout 3 that will feature a new Worldspace called Canada. This project is under development and we currently need a lot of help so if you would like to please PM me, or leave a comment.
Currently Looking for people who want to do the following:
-Model (Weapons, Buildings, Armor, New creatures [Mutated Deer, and other wildlife])
-Texture (Weapons, Buildings, Clutter, Armor, New creatures [Mutated Deer, and other wildlife])
-Animate (Weapons, New models, other Misc objects)
-World Creators (If you want to add your own touch to Canada I'm always looking for people who want to help. No you will not get a copy of the ESP so don't say you will help if you get a copy, not gonna happen.)
If your interested please contact -
Bktman (
TheWu (
Adrolak (
Welcome to Canada!
(This mod may not follow Fallout lore)
This mod will feature many new things based around Canada. Before the nuclear bombing Canada was annexed by the United States of America, but the government was secretly building large underground bunkers similar to vaults, except much deeper in the ground and a lot larger. In these vault technology was being created that could preserve the world after a nuclear, also similar to the American G.E.C.K, but much more stable and mass produced. When the bombs started dropping the Canada government and most of its civilians went to live in these vaults for nearly 100 years. Once the scientists deemed it safe to leave people where given one of these restoration kits and told to go find a place to live. After a few years Canada was mostly back to being like before the war, with grass, and tress, citys, and towns, reminants of the war stayed, like large craters near the border, and slight radiation places. However crime sprung up largly do to the lack of civil order in Canada. Now however the government is activly fighting this crime, running raids and placeing solders in towns and citys. This is where you come in, welcome to Canada!
- Canadian Curency: The Canadians have no use for bottle caps so you will have to start making Canadian cash. There are a few ways you will be able to do this, either by killing civilians to get some pocket change, getting a job somewhere, robbing a bank, and many other ways. You will need this cash to buy house upgrades that are very expensive and will require you to save up (or get a team together and steal something expensive).
- The main will feature 2 large forests, a lake, and a large river and will be comeplete grass with tress and various structures and settlements.
- Small Desert Wasteland. For people who like fighting Super Mutants, here you go. A part of Canada that is a wasteland with Canadian Soldiers fighting an endless battle against Super Mutants.
- Camping equipment. Portable camping trailer, mattress, and campfire.
- The Rebellion. The rebellion has a base on a large beached Aircraft carrier. There used to be a lake in the region but the nuclear warfare dried it out,now this giant ship sits in the middle of a forest as a reminder of what has happened.
- New road textures. Roads are now retextured to look more realistic.
- Custom models, lots of new custom models.
- Repaired cars, many new retextured version of the cars
- SatCom Laser. This gun launches uses a laser to send SatCom orbital missiles at your enemies. The missile is very large and capable of taking out large squads at once. However it is a very expensive peice of equipment cost $100,000 for just one missle.
- A sword sharpener to sharpen any type of bladed weapon, including unique. This will increase thier damage by +9 and will cost only 50$.
- Player Barracks. Buy your own troops and outfit them with new armour. These troops can currently be set to allies with the police/CAF and mafia, enemies with one, or enemies with both. After you choose allies or enemies you will be able to send your troops to a pre-determined place using the vertibird landing zones, Downtown for example, and they will engage whatever forces are in control of that position. Features like this will take a long time to earn, for example money is scarce at first but as you climb up in the world new opportunitys will arise to make a lot of cash quickly. For example, robbing a bank will earn you $1,000,000, however you will need a team of highly trained teammates to help you or you will get caught and sent to jail, in which case you are fined and lose all the money you robbed. These teammates will want a cut though so you will have to pay them. Eventually you will be able to hire teams to rob a bank without you there with them which will make income faster. Theres going to be a lot to do so stay tuned! (Waiting for 2.0)
- Police will place criminals under arrest and transport them to jail, including yourself.
- Fight Club: Test your skills as a combatant in the Fight Club. This old warehouse has been converted into a fight club where the best of the best fight to the death. You can watch shows here, or join the fight yourself with a team, or solo. There are two categories, ranged and melee depending on what you like to do more. Every match you win will earn you $100 and a tournament (5 straight matches) will earn you $1000.
This mod will feature a completly new landscape that will include:
- Large urban citys complete with shops and apartments.
- Small rural towns and farms.
- Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) border base that is responsible for keeping Wastlelanders out.
- An industrial park where most of the hidden crime takes place.
- A large tower similar to Tenpenny Tower where the Mafia leader resides.
- A new player home that has many new features including:
- The ability to use the Internet to puchase things for your house like, furniture, house expansions, butlers, and much more.
- You can also purchase an underground room, then purchase new rooms to link to it to create an incredibly large underground base.
- In this base you can buy things like Vertibird landing pads and use them to transport troops, patrol areas, and even drop bombs on unsuspecting targets.
You can also buy:
- Science labs to produce new weapons and armor.
- Traning areas to learn to use your new weapons and armor.
- A barracks that you can use to start your own personal army and aid Canada, or destroy it.
- And much more.
This mod is currently under development and will probably not be released publicly for a while, however keep checking back for new info and screenshots.
Release Notes:
Not yet released, don't expect this soon.
Credits -
Azure Studios - Project Leader
TheWu - Lead Graphic Artist
Adrolak - Lead conceptionist
sugaraqe - His awesome police uniform.
Updates- None as of yet.