This was what people were saying in black ops - Download or stream a video to get host or better your connection, this was due to the lag compensation that has been implemented in the COD games since MW1. I dont know if Crytek has thier own system implemented - However again, eitherway its a myth, doing this simply puts more packets in the mix and uses more bandwith which needs to be use for the actual game! just think if 50% of people online were either downloading/streaming while playing online, thats a massive amount of extra imbalance of fluctuation/packet loss/bandwith.
I dont care how people reply to this, i know what i know - and the above is 100% actual fact.
so in short - dont ruin the games by being a douche and trying to get host and downloading - jeez if you have to get host to get kills you must svck hard anyways - id just take the game back.