» Thu Nov 26, 2009 4:14 am
I'm always play game on my PC.
I may be an idiot. But I don't understand why we have to be separated.
Can't those consoles have any devices like mouse or key board?
Why game designers try to create a more arcade game whenever they
go for multi platform.
People hate each other more than enough in my real life.
Ps. Sorry for my English
Ps2. Sorry if I'm too idiot for some of you
The problem is hardware and equipment, PCs can be easily updated to run faster and have more power, you cant undate a console so if the console was made 3 years ago you have to run everything with 3 year old graphic settings, it can be better optimized, but will not look anywhere near a pimped out PC.
As for hardware, PCs are more accurite, and more complex (I have a keyboard with like 40 keys, you have a control with like 12 buttons, guess which one i can do more with...) That and for shooters esspecially the thumb sticks on a controler just are as accurite and quick as a mouse, so you have to have things like auto aim and less recoil/more easy weapon control.
Honestly both are great things, they just have two diffrent mind sets.
IN MY OPINION!!!!!::::
Consoles: Great for some DOOM style run and gun with a rocket launcher game play.
PC: More tactical more thought based games, and MUCH LARGER games (See battlefield series here)
Now you can try to mix them, but it doesnt always work out because both people have certain expectations. (PC gamers expect large maps, cools things like vihicles, helos, and jets, and stuff liek 64 player maps or in Joint Operations case 150 player maps 50 square kilos large.) (Console gamers want a really fun experience in a more confined place because if its not it becomes very tidious and unfun -See Far Cry 2 here-)
This is my honestly opinion, i like consoles, and i like console gaming, but i dont want to play a console game on my computer, and like wise i dont want to play a computer game on a console. (Play halo for the Xbox, then halo for the computer, it doesnt feel right.)