Im creating a very large and elaborate mod, and Im in need of someone to test it. The overall is nearing completion, so now I have to script and dialog it. Theres about 20 major NPC characters, and probable another 20 more for support. So this will svck alot of my time up. The project is about 2 months into it, and looks like another months worth of work. Im going to be withholding releases after 1.70 of my mod until 1.8 is ready. Which means By the time I hit 1.8, all quests are functional. So if your into this thing, please let me know.
The link is in my Signature.
There will be 3 major quests, and 2 subquest for 1 major, and about 4-6 for the other 2. Its a complicated mod. I designed it that way. Just now I have to write it all out, and well its complicated. Makes for good storyline though, and seems fun to play. At least for me, but I'm writting it, so what you do want.
Anyway pm, or email or reply to this thread if intrested.