ive also completed Point look outs main quest and MZ and O:A ... all thats left is the main quest but i dont feel like doing that just yet im at the part after getting entrance to little lamplight (i asked about sammy and squil but then i just used child at heart or was it the 100% speach challenge i must of reloaded just to see what all topics had to say ...)
also just found out something epic about the "Destabilizor" it may be weak compared to the desintegrator which its based off but its a FULLY automatic Assault Rifle!!! i love it 100rounds per clip and i have over 2100 power modules ... how do i get more alien expoxy / biogel im running rather low on both and all i find in the ship is looted dead and im guessing perma corpse aliens .. (i slept in point look out for over 72 hours to try clear some bodies a week ago i completed MZ over 3 weeks ago :/)
also Computer Whiz perk = 100% waste i got locked out of a computer for the 1st time and when i tried to reenter it stayed locked ... and im guessing teh same will be for the infilterator i was planning to get it but not any more :/
also im about to reach level 21 should i take the tag perk or law bringer perk ?? (the skills i use are any where between 60-75 as it is thats why i didnt take the tag eralier on) and im not having much difficulty getting what i want for thousands of rounds in 5mm and radiation doesnt really botherme keep getting perks from quest that boost my res to it + i have the rad remover thing in my megton house ...
also if i do decide to finish off the MQ of the CW is there anything hidden inside Raven Rock ??? as far as i know the only way you get in is by being kidnapped and last time i was there i skippedo ver a large number of halls and openable doors due to teh fact there was an army of enclave ready to destroy me ... (but this time ill be ready XD)