Carefully snipe all the Blind Deathclaws out of Gypsum Train Yard, enter the office building. Find nothing but a few Ants and take the way out... Only to find a _crowd_ of more Blind Deathclaws staring at you with a puzzled expression for half a nanosecond and then sprint for 'The Running Man' contest. What a surprise
I live next to Bonnie springs, in a ranch. So one day i got tired on sneaking around the town ( so I wont get attacked ) and decided to clear the town. One week later, when returning from goodsprings...
"Hey! Whats buzzing around in Bonnie springs?....oh no..oh noo....RUUUUUUNN" :(
When Benny shoots me in the face twice with Maria and doesn't kill me, only for me to track him down, sneak up to him and pickpocket Maria, then blow his head of with it.
Sneak attacking Nightkin. Never gets old. "YOU're supposed to sneak up on ME." Dropping irradiated barrels into Cottonwood Cove is another one.
What I want to know is where you find enough Nightkin to make the word "never" apply. Anyways... Crap. The only thing I can think of is wiping out the Holy Light Monastery with a Fat Man, but that's from a different game. Ooh! Sitting in Caesar's throne wearing Ranger Combat armor.
Walking around while wearing the Remnants Power Armour from Deathclaw promonotory and Silver Peak Mine, equiping Arcade with the All-Purpose Science Suit and ED-E I then did Arcade's quest...