I believed in this game. The surroundings. The context. The environment. The retro-futuristic aspect of it all.
But I feel mistreated and neglected

All spoilers aside, I can't BELIEVE that the ending I received just left me so...so high and dry. So unsatisfied. So abused. So blah.
Ok, I got this game because I believed it to be along the same lines as DEUS EX; a game that made you feel as if you had really really done something to help humanity or change
the world after you finished. It's great to FEEL good after the end of a game.
Sorry people, but am I alone in saying that the ending to this game felt as if the team said the following?:
"Well guys, you've put in countless hours developing this world and everything plays really well. But it's time for us to patch together some way to end this thing. Can anybody come up with any ideas in the next THREE minutes? We'll vote on the best idea and that will be it"
I'm so disappointed.
Guys, yes, I'm whining, but where were the results of all my hard work to maintain impeccable karma? Where was the sense of impact? Where were the visions of the future?
Where was the justification for my spending all this time playing?
You guys know that was beyond weak, and I am not intrigued enough to even try to play again, knowing the end result.
I may go put in Deus Ex now *sniff*sniff*. IMO, It is STILL unsurpassed in terms of gamer satisfaction after TEN years even.