From svck to awesome

Post » Wed Mar 10, 2010 3:08 am

I'll be the first to admit, when I first played new vegas, I hated it. Probably because I was expecting just another addition to what I already loved about Fallout 3. That, coupled with lots of bugs and an UGLY, UGLY third-person animation cycle, I couldn't stand the game. I immediately threw it away.

Now, after however many months, with a few mods to change the few things I Don't like (plasma rifle uses, 1 ammo, not 2), and Laser Rifles use Energy Cells, with a nice animation mod), and i'm loving this game. Seriously, I cannot stop playing. I ended my first character early, due to hating the guns in the game, and turned in Energy Weapons. While I do miss random encounters in the wasteland, I can forgive it because i'v never wanted to explore so much. Before I even got to Novac, I think I hit almost every location south of the town.

I still find myself enthralled by this game, I really can't stop playing it. I mean, i'v literally been awake I think... 50 some hours now, and i'v only been taking small breaks. Asides the few annoyances, I definitely find this game awesome. The only thing I am still bitter about, is how slow, mediocre, and straightforward the story is in the first few hours. But I love this game, and love love love how the story keeps moving so fluently. Nice job to Obsidian.
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Shae Munro
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Post » Tue Mar 09, 2010 5:26 pm

How can you complain about New Vegas' animations, but not F3's?
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Brooks Hardison
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Post » Wed Mar 10, 2010 5:20 am

How can you complain about New Vegas' animations, but not F3's?

I hated FO3's animations. But it only took I think weeks for someone to do an overhaul mod on FO3s animations, and I never found one for NV until I tried again receently.
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Post » Tue Mar 09, 2010 4:27 pm

Lol, go easy on that Med-x brother. This game is broken and svcks. Not even close from being awesome. For me things like type of guns, characters, story of the game, companions etc etc... are small issues compared to this repeated freezes. We go back to basics you can't play this game at all. If you ask me to rate their job from 0 to 10, honestly they none apply to Obsidian. I understand you brother, just started playing but once you reach the point where I'm at 12MB believe me you'll hate it and feel violated for paying for this game. When I started playing this game a friend asked me have they fixed the game? I told him sure they did the game is just as great as FO3 but much cooler. Oh boy only if I knew what was to come. Well, can't expect much from a rushed game.
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john page
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Post » Wed Mar 10, 2010 12:06 am

Lol, go easy on that Med-x brother. This game is broken and svcks. Not even close from being awesome. For me things like type of guns, characters, story of the game, companions etc etc... are small issues compared to this repeated freezes. We go back to basics you can't play this game at all. If you ask me to rate their job from 0 to 10, honestly they none apply to Obsidian. I understand you brother, just started playing but once you reach the point where I'm at 12MB believe me you'll hate it and feel violated for paying for this game. When I started playing this game a friend asked me have they fixed the game? I told him sure they did the game is just as great as FO3 but much cooler. Oh boy only if I knew what was to come. Well, can't expect much from a rushed game.

I'v had no issues with freezing. But then again my computer doesn't svck?
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Noraima Vega
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Post » Tue Mar 09, 2010 10:36 pm

I'v had no issues with freezing. But then again my computer doesn't svck?

Idk how the game goes on a pc, I've read that it does have some bugs too, but I know some were fixed with patches. I play it on PS3 and just in the last 20mins this is the third time I have to stand up and reset my PS3. This is killing me. As soon as I have my platinum trophy I'm done with this crap.
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Post » Tue Mar 09, 2010 11:57 pm

Lol, go easy on that Med-x brother. This game is broken and svcks. Not even close from being awesome. For me things like type of guns, characters, story of the game, companions etc etc... are small issues compared to this repeated freezes. We go back to basics you can't play this game at all. If you ask me to rate their job from 0 to 10, honestly they none apply to Obsidian. I understand you brother, just started playing but once you reach the point where I'm at 12MB believe me you'll hate it and feel violated for paying for this game. When I started playing this game a friend asked me have they fixed the game? I told him sure they did the game is just as great as FO3 but much cooler. Oh boy only if I knew what was to come. Well, can't expect much from a rushed game.

Well, then you must have royally screwed your game somehow, because my game is still as solid as a rock. Even with mods and hi res textures added to it. And I've been playing for over 100 hours.

TF2 crashes on me more than New Vegas has. And Valve games rarely crash.

Besides, my experience with NV at launch was way better than FO3 at launch. I can't tell you how many times the game froze on me. And this was on Xbox 360. The primary development platform for it.
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KIng James
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Post » Wed Mar 10, 2010 7:45 am

I dunno why people would buy an RPG for a console. Especially when, almost all RPGs are notoriously buggy ports when going from PC-Console.
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Frank Firefly
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Post » Wed Mar 10, 2010 12:42 am

I dunno why people would buy an RPG for a console. Especially when, almost all RPGs are notoriously buggy ports when going from PC-Console.

Not everyone has the specs to run it, therefore there are consoles. (I didn't have my awesome gaming rig at the time of Fallout 3's release, and my current computer at that time could barely run Oblivion)

And also, Bethesda's main dev focus nowadays is actually consoles first, primarily the Xbox 360. Then, after they finish their work with getting it to run on the console, they add in some removed or reduced features (such as higher res textures), add in the ability to toggle with the settings and resolution, and orient the controls for keyboard/mouse. And Voila! The PC version of their game is born.
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Astargoth Rockin' Design
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Post » Tue Mar 09, 2010 11:05 pm

This game is broken and svcks.

I like how you say the entire game is broken and svcks just because it doesn't work for you.
The biggest problem i've had with it is that my Sierra Madre snow globe always loses its snowflakes.

With that said it does seem like the PS3 got shafted, but really, you should be expecting that by now. That platform can't even run the Orange Box properly.
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Ridhwan Hemsome
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Post » Tue Mar 09, 2010 10:12 pm

Lol, go easy on that Med-x brother. This game is broken and svcks. Not even close from being awesome. For me things like type of guns, characters, story of the game, companions etc etc... are small issues compared to this repeated freezes. We go back to basics you can't play this game at all. If you ask me to rate their job from 0 to 10, honestly they none apply to Obsidian. I understand you brother, just started playing but once you reach the point where I'm at 12MB believe me you'll hate it and feel violated for paying for this game. When I started playing this game a friend asked me have they fixed the game? I told him sure they did the game is just as great as FO3 but much cooler. Oh boy only if I knew what was to come. Well, can't expect much from a rushed game.

Woah, Woah take it easy on the Psycho there. Quite frankly I am a FO3 fan through and through, despite playing all of the old fallouts (FO1, FO2, FO:BOS) before even hearing about FO3. And i have to say for a rushed job obsidian did a [censored] amazing job. Also if you are playing on a computer your computer may not be a good enough rig to play this game because in the 7 months since this game came out theyve have been working themselves silly to get us some patches to fix this games numerous problems and quite frankly they seem to have done a pretty good job to me (besides some obvious nerfing where it wasnt needed) since I havent frozen on this game in 3 months.

P.S. Why are you on this section of the forums if you dont like this game?
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Javier Borjas
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Post » Wed Mar 10, 2010 1:43 am

Lol, go easy on that Med-x brother. This game is broken and svcks. Not even close from being awesome. For me things like type of guns, characters, story of the game, companions etc etc... are small issues compared to this repeated freezes. We go back to basics you can't play this game at all. If you ask me to rate their job from 0 to 10, honestly they none apply to Obsidian. I understand you brother, just started playing but once you reach the point where I'm at 12MB believe me you'll hate it and feel violated for paying for this game. When I started playing this game a friend asked me have they fixed the game? I told him sure they did the game is just as great as FO3 but much cooler. Oh boy only if I knew what was to come. Well, can't expect much from a rushed game.

1. You are NEVER getting a turtle from me!
2. You probably haven't been violated... yet
3. I have PS3 and my game runs fine. The worst freezing I've had was in Westside
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Chad Holloway
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Post » Wed Mar 10, 2010 4:57 am

I dunno why people would buy an RPG for a console. Especially when, almost all RPGs are notoriously buggy ports when going from PC-Console.

Not everybody has enough money for a good computer, Dusenberg McCaviarpants.
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Post » Tue Mar 09, 2010 6:52 pm

Lol, go easy on that Med-x brother. This game is broken and svcks. Not even close from being awesome. For me things like type of guns, characters, story of the game, companions etc etc... are small issues compared to this repeated freezes. We go back to basics you can't play this game at all. If you ask me to rate their job from 0 to 10, honestly they none apply to Obsidian. I understand you brother, just started playing but once you reach the point where I'm at 12MB believe me you'll hate it and feel violated for paying for this game. When I started playing this game a friend asked me have they fixed the game? I told him sure they did the game is just as great as FO3 but much cooler. Oh boy only if I knew what was to come. Well, can't expect much from a rushed game.

[On PC] I have never had a crash that was not traceable to a bad NIF (in a mod), and the only other bugs that I have personally encountered are minor clipping issues like Powder Gangers inside big rocks, Scorpions half tilted under the ground, an obscure (mod related) menu bug with the ammo bench ~that's not in the base game, and Doc hanging around behind his bookshelves. I've seen videos of other bugs, but never encountered them myself.
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Tanika O'Connell
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Post » Wed Mar 10, 2010 12:06 am

[On PC] I have never had a crash that was not traceable to a bad NIF (in a mod), and the only other bugs that I have personally encountered are minor clipping issues like Powder Gangers inside big rocks, Scorpions half tilted under the ground, an obscure (mod related) menu bug with the ammo bench ~that's not in the base game, and Doc hanging around behind his bookshelves. I've seen videos of other bugs, but never encountered them myself.

Like I said before, I have no idea how the game runs on a PC. But, I can assure you folks that on PS3 platform this game should never ever ever been released to the public. It has major issues with freezing and screen loading. Places like Westside, Freeside, Strip, Camp Mccarran, Novac, Primm, Bitter Springs, The Thorn, Camp Forlorn Hope(probably the worse), Nipton, Places around Vault 3 and the list goes on and on. Screen loads I waited for up to 10mins once then as soon as the screen appears it freezes(OMG WTF moment there). Anyway, the game can't be playable, so it is broken on PS3. Now if the PC version is good, that's good. But, then again if the PS3 version would be this crap, it should had never been released. Oh by the way, I have over 300hrs played in my profile so I know what the [censored] I'm talking about. If the game was good and playable like FO3 I would be the first one to come and say great things about it. Now don't get me wrong folks, FO3 had freezes as well, but at least it was playable.
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Post » Wed Mar 10, 2010 7:40 am

The game starts gettinb nasty at about 8500kb on 360 too I ve had them both. Once you start getting into mb it starts getting pretty bad. Fo3 was not like that. It did freeze, but not like nv.
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Post » Tue Mar 09, 2010 8:12 pm

Like I said before, I have no idea how the game runs on a PC. But, I can assure you folks that on PS3 platform this game should never ever ever been released to the public. It has major issues with freezing and screen loading. Places like Westside, Freeside, Strip, Camp Mccarran, Novac, Primm, Bitter Springs, The Thorn, Camp Forlorn Hope(probably the worse), Nipton, Places around Vault 3 and the list goes on and on. Screen loads I waited for up to 10mins once then as soon as the screen appears it freezes(OMG WTF moment there). Anyway, the game can't be playable, so it is broken on PS3. Now if the PC version is good, that's good. But, then again if the PS3 version would be this crap, it should had never been released. Oh by the way, I have over 300hrs played in my profile so I know what the [censored] I'm talking about. If the game was good and playable like FO3 I would be the first one to come and say great things about it. Now don't get me wrong folks, FO3 had freezes as well, but at least it was playable.

Why wouldn't you wait to buy it? RPG's on consoles are almost notorious for playability. I won't blame Sony for it, due to it not being their vault the developers don't have much luck working with the hardware // software. However it's almost always the same for consoles, where open-world games not specifically designed for (and sometimes designed for) svck ass. I remember getting Sacred 2, and I couldn't even spam spells because it would nuke the [censored] out of my frame rate, and i'd hit like 6 frames per second, and it was my main spell, so it wasn't even avoidable. Hell, even for PC and PS3 games I almost always wait for reviews. Just not worth it for pre-release, save for a few games.
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Post » Wed Mar 10, 2010 2:38 am

Woah, Woah take it easy on the Psycho there. Quite frankly I am a FO3 fan through and through, despite playing all of the old fallouts (FO1, FO2, FO:BOS) before even hearing about FO3.

You have played BoS but not Tactics? :blink:

As for Outlaw Renegado. Check out the PS3 section for technical issues, might be a fix there for you.

NinjaFish, glad you have seen the light :fallout:
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Post » Wed Mar 10, 2010 5:41 am

Not everybody has enough money for a good computer, Dusenberg McCaviarpants.

My computer runs most new releases on optimal settings. Know how much it cost? $700.

Got to love wal-mart.

Just get a crappy computer and buy some new parts for it. Saves you $100s.
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Add Meeh
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Post » Wed Mar 10, 2010 8:58 am

My computer runs most new releases on optimal settings. Know how much it cost? $700.

Got to love wal-mart.

Just get a crappy computer and buy some new parts for it. Saves you $100s.

Or build a computer from scratch. On sale, i-7, MSi motherboard, and ATI radeon 6950, 4GB DDR3 ram, run you about $800.00
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Post » Wed Mar 10, 2010 7:46 am

My computer runs most new releases on optimal settings. Know how much it cost? $700.

Got to love wal-mart.

Just get a crappy computer and buy some new parts for it. Saves you $100s.

This is all still too much money. In comparison to an Alienware rig? Yeah, $700-$800 is cheaper. But $700 is $700. And $700 is too damn much.

Or build a computer from scratch. On sale, i-7, MSi motherboard, and ATI radeon 6950, 4GB DDR3 ram, run you about $800.00

You know what you forgot there, NinjaFish? An enclosure. A power supply. An O/S. A HDD. Maybe fans. Maybe tools. The time it takes to build it. The time it takes to install everything. And what if you've only ever had a laptop? What then? Now you need a monitor. Keyboard and mouse. Probably a desk to put the new rig on. The last ones there might be stretching it, but then again maybe they aren't. It all depends on who you're talking to.

Now, in comparison to a console? Xbox 360 console (4gb HDD) = $199.99. Time investment to get playing? Thirty minutes at the most for someone with no experience connecting such things. That includes some time for XBL updates. Personally, I don't know of a single household that doesn't have at least one television, so there's no need to buy a new one.

Moreover, not everybody has the technical knowhow to deal with the unforeseen issues that crop up when you build your own PC. And, yes, they DO crop up.

People like to sing about how it's fairly cheap to get into PC computing, but those people often leave out some very important things. The actual cost of the machine (or its parts) is NOT the only investment you're making.
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Post » Wed Mar 10, 2010 5:46 am

There's another side to this. Right off the bat, if you're going to bring TVs into the discussion you might as well take that off the price of a PC too. Ninjafish was really vague about his components, but depending on the exact models that $800 figure can easily cover the entire PC. And that's a high-end PC, you can build something with xbox-like performance for much less.

For the Xbox, also add $50 a year for XBL gold, the price of a new official xbox hard drive if you want to store anything more than savegames, more expensive games, all the drawbacks of the platform and it's not that good of a deal after all. The reason the base console is so cheap is because microsoft make their money on accessories and game licensing.
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Post » Tue Mar 09, 2010 10:14 pm

I'll be the first to admit, when I first played new vegas, I hated it. Probably because I was expecting just another addition to what I already loved about Fallout 3. That, coupled with lots of bugs and an UGLY, UGLY third-person animation cycle, I couldn't stand the game. I immediately threw it away.

I don't get the that. Can you explain it? I played FO3 entirely in first-person on 360, then on PC I played entirely in third-person and never went back to first. Feels like a different game entirely. Playing with the cam lodged close to character's shoulder as it is meant to be, not pulled right back giving the appearance of a floating, spinning character.

I appreciated more than most I think, that Obsidian locked the third-person cam closer to the character because interacting with things, such as eating a corpse, on FO3 would pull the camera right back to its limit and I had to correct it every time. On FONV it goes back a reasonable distance. The animations holding and reloading different weapons are better on FONV, but that aside, there really is no difference from the third-person animation or cam of FO3. At least the third-person cam the way it was meant to be used. I can't understand how people can play with the camera pulled right back to its extreme on FO3. It looks ridiculous.
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Luis Reyma
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Post » Wed Mar 10, 2010 5:32 am

I hereby declare NinjaFish are erased from all the dinosaur's clubs' blacklists.
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Post » Wed Mar 10, 2010 6:17 am

With that said it does seem like the PS3 got shafted, but really, you should be expecting that by now. That platform can't even run the Orange Box properly.

Orange Box might have worked better if Valve hadn't outsourced the port to EA because thier owner...who happily said on the record he hated Sony and hoped the PS3 failed....didn't want to bother with it. Just saying. :lol:
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