Ohh yeah what 8k for the anti material rifle where as the gauss is a freebie .
The entire caps thing when it comes to NV weapons is ridiculous anyways.. With dead money.. Eh nm..
I am currently heading towards my second million caps now (still have ALL weapons, gold bars, armors/clothing, foods, drinks etc etc). All you need to make caps is the weapon repair kit code for the vending machine and some nice baddies that drop sweet toys :S
As far as the AMR vs the Gauss goes. Both have drawbacks. Uness you use the Agi glitch the Gauss take approx one lunar ROTATION to reload, but the AMR.. Hmm.. Kind of lost track of thought now, I know there are some bad points for the AMR. ANYWAYS! They're hardly useless..
Useless items = Boxing Tape (it really is), knife and Raul (most useless thing in NV)