You spell it "a lot", not "alot"; unless you mean "allot". The spell checker will catch this for you. Whenever a word is underlined in red, this means you're doing it wrong and should fix it.
Your is not the same and you're. "Your" is a possessive, "you're" is the contraction of the words "you" and "are".
Protip: if you can use the words "you are" and it still makes sense, you should be using "you're".
Tip: If you give spelling and grammar tips please make sure your own sentences are free of mistakes

That being said:
The use of leet speak is difficult to understand for many, and should not be used. In addition, please do not take it upon yourself to be a spelling and grammar cop. With the number of non-English speaking members here, it is to be expected errors will occur. It is fine to be helpful, just please don't be spiteful.