Shouldn't have been tinkled with at all.
I'd have given them +20% speed and +1 PER instead of nerfing
anything about them.
I like enemies that present a challenge, cazador's did that.
There was no need to nerf them at all.
If anything they should have focused on beefing every single enemy up. /imo

I do agree with you, I like challenges, nerfing the Cazadore at all is silly, but when you think about it, Cazadores are flying versions of Usain Bolt on Turbo, does the extra foot mean anything since they are so flipping fast?
Although they should have been given something as a trade off maybe.
Back on topic, Styles: Yeah, it wasn't the instruments, he sang them. I always thought something was fishy about the Lonesome Drifter when he sang.