@ Tyana: Bunneh!!!
From the WRYE Dictionary
Hoax Modder
Posters who claim to be working on some cool, interesting mod, but in reality are not. Generally when it reaches the point at which they should be releasing something or showing a screenshot, "their hard disk crashes, and they lose months of work, and are too depressed to try to resurrect it." Sympathy ensues. A notorius case on the gamesas forums several years ago was a poster, who claimed for about a year to be working on a large expansion; he talked extensively about the mod in several topics and even posted screenshots. Turned out the whole thing was a fraud, and the screenshots were taken from a different mod. Hoax modders are distinct from http://www.uesp.net/wiki/User:Wrye/Somewhat_Acerbic_Modders_Dictionary#Tease_Modder, who actually do work but don't release it, and http://www.uesp.net/wiki/User:Wrye/Somewhat_Acerbic_Modders_Dictionary#Big_Plans_Modder, who may talk extensively about their big idea, but don't lie and claim progress that they have not actually made.
I've had experiences of both - one guy who said he'd put up screenshots in "four days" and then posted screenshots of precisely four days' work; and being on huge teams for huge mods that fizzled out after a month or two.
Then, of course, you get the odd one like Leeloo's Changing Faces when she showed up on April Fool's Day saying she'd been working on this mod for two years! Still giggling at this obvious hoax, people clicked on the download link and found ... two years' work. Good mod, actually.

Anyway, this thread is clearly going nowhere. To the OP, if you are a Leeloo and actually
do have a mod close to completion, best to start a new thread posting screenshots of the
substantial work you have done on it and show your genuine progress so far. This is especially essential if you are asking for people's help and advice on the matter.