The Son of Apollo

Post » Thu Jun 10, 2010 6:22 am

I'm playing through New Vegas again, hence all the damn topics I'm making. I apologize.

I feel that there is a missed opportunity in New Vegas that must be addressed with a mod or developer apology, forthwith.
Depending on your character's intelligence, you have the opportunity to be a bit of a show off, put people to shame, etc. Medicine and Speech, as well as Intelligence, are used in many Speech checks (duh for Speech), and one of Caesar's quests can involve your medicine and his particular problem (unsure if spoilers are allowed in this part of the forum).

The Greek (and appropriated Roman) God of science, arts, and medicine is Apollo. For the Greeks, he is also the God of Sun (having been merged with the persona of Helios. The Romans only merged him with Phobos after the third century). I feel that Caesar's Legion could have been given a chance to reform, following this train of thought.

The Courier, using the powers of Archimedes II and his medicine, speech, and intelligence, to claim he is the son of Apollo, just as Caesar claims he is the son of Mars. This would allow a particularly enlightened or power-hungry courier to sweep the feet from below Caesar's "everyone must be uneducated and complacent" dogma and convince the Legion to become enlightened and educated as well as zealously loyal. Two demi-gods (one with the ability to call divine fire down from the heavens to smite his foes) would be just as worthy of allegiance, I think. Could have led to an Epilogue with some mention of the Legion beginning to reduce their savage and barbaric ways -- less sixism, cannibalism, and general destruction of Technology.
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Bryanna Vacchiano
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Post » Wed Jun 09, 2010 7:12 pm

That would have been very interesting to see. Every time one of these threads come up, I feel that the devs wasted so many opportunities to make a spectacular main quest.
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Nick Pryce
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Post » Thu Jun 10, 2010 7:12 am

Could provide a usage for the Mysterious Stranger's acoustic guitar other than caps and decoration, as well.

Apollo being the God of music, and all, a courier's Charisma (maybe?) levels could be used for his guitar playing and singing. If you don't follow the Son of Apollo path, you could just increase morale and make some caps here and there. Otherwise, you could use it as further proof of your holy lineage, mastering music, medicine, sciences, and The Sun!
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Saul C
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Post » Thu Jun 10, 2010 4:18 am

Bringing civility and refinement to the Legion would be great, although I don't quite like the idea of usurping Caesar's throne.
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Post » Thu Jun 10, 2010 6:50 am

I thought that whole point of Caesar's Legion was that they are meant to be keep like that? Besides, isn't it given that the majority of the Legion simply supports Caesar himself as opposed to ancient Roman paganism; damn good idea though. In any event, Helios ONE was not utilised enough.
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Rhiannon Jones
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Post » Thu Jun 10, 2010 10:08 am

You're very right, Enclave -- most just support the charismatic Caesar. However, they're still simple-minded, scavenging, prospecting tribals that go to war for resources. Seeing a man call down the power of the Sun would demand respect just as much as a man able to unite the Tribes of Arizona and Colorado, would it not?

You'd have the portion that worship Caesar's paganism flocking to your Sun-God banner.
And the other portion who just "Don't want to be annihilated by the f**king Sun!" fearing and respecting you.

Could even open doors for a "Post-Game" DLC, involving refining the Legion and having to "cut away the fat" that is the still barbaric and technologically regressive Legionaires that refuse to reform. Civil War, whoo! >.>
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