:rofl: Homophobia is hilarious.
And quite scary too, lest we forget a few LCDs, some cheap domestic swill, a pickup truck and a lonely stretch of Texas road.
As i play nothing but fems if given the chance, (hot sixy ass kickers are well hot and sixy) i have one character i console commanded to be smaller if i remember correctly "player.setscale .95" (with out the quotes) and it does make a noticable drop in character size but it also makes the character less effective so a stat like charisma at "10" is as the game will see it a "9.5". This effects every aspect of game play, so a 100 skill in guns will always be 95 so it does make some sense. I played her through one time but a stat like charisma i felt should not be effected which meant i had to CC some a point of charisma "modpca charisma 1" and once you start down the CC road it is hard to know when to stop, and tricky to figure what that change will change. If i remember correctly Oblivion had stats that were different for males and females which was interesting as it was probably the first time i saw such a distinction. I am not opposed to a weaker female character in some stats like strength or endurance but a stat like charisma and perception should then be higher for fems with males suffering from those two lower stats. I am not opposed so long as it is an option like hardcoe mode is, or if this is added to hardcoe as another difficulty setting, but it needs to remain an option the player can excercise. I can see some potential complaints if it is not optional because, even though they comprise a smaller segment of the market, female players might not approve of a realisticaly based female character's limitations and may just want to kick ass just like male players do.