Uh huh yeah I got it, dont worry about it ma'am i'll take the rangers out tonight and we'll deal with it. *sets down radio* Sorry there I was just taking care of some things with Colonel Moore, official ranger business.
Now what is this crap about NCR just being out here in the Mojave to line our pockest with caps? Take the fact that we've kept the wasteland free from the Legion for the past four years and restored the dam to working order for the first time since the great war and I think some of the higher ups have earned the right to be a little proud. Sure i'll be the first one to tell you that the likes of Crocker, the so called "General" Oliver, and even Kimble basiclly have their heads shoved up their own ass but that doesn't dismiss all the hard work of the troopers who are barely even getting two weeks of training before getting shipped out and thrown into the middle of whats probably the biggest war since the big one some two hundred years ago, not to mention Chief Hanlon and the rangers with everything they've done.
Sorry, I didn't mean to generalize my statement at
all of NCR, I actually like NCR, its people like Crocker, Oliver, and Kimbal that leave a sour taste in my mouth. I mean if it weren't for the interactions with them, I'd have a very heavy NCR playthrough, but conversing with them just makes me want to put a hole in their head.
P.S.- I also make it a point to exhaust all NCR Quests AND help train the Misfits each playthrough.
Yes but who else does it go to then?
Mr house gets rich and same thing happens
Yesman will get power
Or legion which will enslave and murder everyone.
Mr House is using the money to help fuel the economy. At least he's attempting to keep a peice of Pre War History alive and relatively safe.
Yesman only got the power because the Courier walked away, and honestly, it becomes the peoples New Vegas anyway.
Legion will kill and enslave all profligates, not everyone, hard to have an empire when you don't have subjects.

And quite ho0nestly I'd rather have Caser running New Vegas, whom actually cares for his people, and I use that term loosely as I've seen many different sides, than someone like Kimbal, Crocker, or Oliver who looks at all NCR Citizens as dollar signs. Case and Point - the town of Sloan is left without work because the NCR doesn't see fit to send in an force, granted deathclaws can tear up a normal NCR Ranger, but even then put maybe one or 2 Veteran Rangers there with AMR + AP Rounds and the Deathclaw problem is fixed. Wereas Ceaser would've just sent wave after wave in to take care of the problem so he could have what was his again.