I dont think explosiony is a work, but it should be. As should kablamish.
Mmm explosives.

And it does seem that they're ridiculously easy to aqure. Without any effort at all my scavenger has maby 40 sticks of dynamite and the same of the long fuse variety, and an extensive collection of mines, grenades, and also some C4.
Of course, she's absolutely [censored]e at explosives, but when in the mood for some kaboom, it's great fun to fling some around simply to see the screen go fuzzy with blood and for various limbs to fly across the screen.
Last time this charecter went to deathclaw place, ended up being a kamikaze mission, simply running towards the wretched creatures throwing dynamite.. deathclaws died. she died. Boone died. There was alot of dying.
You wanna buy my explosives, 200 caps the lot!
Oh yeah, might want Ed-E as a companion if you're going to be doing explosives, that thing is essentially an armoured backpack.