This alone does make sense. With everything involving factions, they obviously wouldn't want to do anything to bias your decisions from the start. But I haven't the foggiest idea why some mysterious greaseball with lousy fashion sense would want to snuff a clueless messenger. My only theory, based on previous experience, is that he's really my half-brother and our father was some otherworldly demon who wanted to propagate the world with his spawn. But, if that were the case, I'm pretty sure there should have been some crotchety old librarian with me who would have sacrificed himself so I could get away.
Is there anything more I should have got out of the intro?
All I really want to do at this point is air out the checkered bastard that gave me the headache. It's skewed my character concept quite a bit. This is what I'm thinking now. Being a civilian, he's not very beefy (STR 3), nor especially graceful (AG 5), but all the trekking around the wastes as a courier has made him pretty hardy (END 7). Of course, a bit of situational awareness and good luck helps too (PE and LK 6). Job (as in the biblical character "Joh-b", not the synonym for employment "Jah-b") is quite bright (INT 9), bright enough to realize that a more thuggish path in life tends to have a pretty short expiration date, while a sweet gig as a courier is an easier living. Maybe he could have done something in the line of management, you know, running things and whatnot but he's not exactly a people person (CH4), and is too good natured (trait) to make the hard decisions. Preferring to avoid confrontation, Job would rather sneak (tag) around hostiles than engage them. Hey, his job is just to deliver the package. On the other hand, he would be foolish if he didn't know a thing or two about guns (tag) in case he ever ran into some raiders he couldn't avoid. He's been pretty good at avoidance so far, but that means most of his experience with weapons has been mere target practice. As a result, he doesn't have the greatest combat reflexes, but his aim is pretty solid (Trigger Discipline trait). Finally, a pragmatist at heart, Job figured it would be handy to have another trade to ply in between jobs and every settlement could use a guy who knows how to repair (tag) things. In short, he was a regular guy, just trying to get by.
However, everything changed with this recent run. This is one fight Job isn't going to sneak away from. The wastes will eat you alive if you don't follow its rules, and Job is adding one more to the list...
*dramatic pause*
*even more dramatic Pablo Francisco Hollywood voice*
Don't shoot the messenger.
*Explosion noise and fade-out*
Anyway, I think my first perk is going to be something like Intensive Training to represent this quick transition of my character's personality and goals. I was originally going to go with Confirmed Bachelor, but Intensive Training would be more fitting...especially if i used the GECK to change it's name to I'm thinking STR. It will make me a little more thuggish and let me use more guns.
But enough character concept. Did I get everything I should have out of the intro?