I have deleted all my old saves so I don't remember now what my old character was. All I rememeber was having high strength, since 8 or 9, and then getting something at the end to max it out at 10. So without any spoilers, how many time can I boost up my strength? Is it once or twice? I love to carry as much stuff I can so that is the only reason why I have high strength. I have 1 in Perception, just because I hate seeing the red blips on the bottom and thinking if they are close when in fact they are far away or vice versa, so I choose low Per so I know if I see a red blip it's close by.
I can't remember what my Int and Charasima was, but I am sure they were low so I can make the other ones higher. I loved my older character, I had lots of fun with it. But since I forgot, I am wundering if anything new with the patches and or DLC perks or what not, I should maybe have higher Char or Int and why without spoiling it if possible. I really enjoyed using guns and Close Combat weapons, never did much melee though. I remember I loved to craft, but I never did it much. I plan on trying to do it more this time, and take my time instead of rushing through things.
So any help or tips in creating a new character would be appreciated.