Jury Rigging (self-explanatory), Bloody Mess (just too fun to pass up), Power Armor Training (I love PA) Honorable Mentions: Better Criticals, Finesse, Rapid Reload, Strong Back, Educated, Comprehension
I like god characters. I particularly enjoy the genesis of a god character. Nobody starts out all-powerful. Me, I like playing with specific concepts until I hit about level 22 and start becoming a god (and then I keep playing because it's still fun). This thread isn't about god characters, nor is it about developing god characters. It's about limitation.
When I'm building characters, to help manage the character concept I pick perks that would fit the concept and make a character plan. Doing that earlier today, I saw a pattern in the perks I tend to choose for every character. 3 of them in particular. And I began to wonder what people would choose if they were limited to a total of 3 perks throughout the entire game. Doesn't matter if you get them all up front at level 1 or earn them when they normally come due, so long as it's 3 or less.
Rapid Reload, Travel Light, and Pack Rat. Can't seem to live without 'em.
Hmmmm, good question.....I think I would have to go with Jury Rigging, Strong Back and Hand Loader.