OBMM Scripting

Post » Fri Aug 27, 2010 1:16 am

Does this look valid? My attempt at modifying the BAIN wizard I wrote for OCR to work in OBMM.

(BTW, whoever cooked up the bright idea to have some hidden binary character at the beginning of an OBMM script should be shot - can't copy/paste that crap straight from the script)

IfNot ScriptExtenderNewerThan   Message "Part of this mod requires Oblivion Script Extender v0020 or higher and has been disabled." "Warning"    FatalErrorEndIfDontInstallAnyPluginsDontInstallAnyDataFilesCopyDataFolder "00 Core\\Meshes" "Meshes" TrueCopyDataFolder "00 Core\\Textures" "Textures" TrueCopyDataFolder "00 Core\\Trees" "Trees" TrueCopyDataFolder "00 Core\\OBSE" "OBSE" TrueCopyPlugin "00 Core\\Open Cities Resources.esm" "Open Cities Resources.esm"CopyPlugin "00 Core\\Open Cities Reborn.esp" "Open Cities Reborn.esp"If DialogYesNo "Would you like to install the open versions of the Imperial Prison and Arcane University?"CopyDataFolder "10 Outer Districts\\Meshes" "Meshes" TrueCopyPlugin "10 Outer Districts\\Open Cities Outer Districts.esp" "Open Cities Outer Districts.esp"ElseEndIfIf DataFileExists "DLCShiveringIsles.esp"If DialogYesNo "Shivering Isles detected. Would you like New Sheoth to be installed as an open city?"CopyDataFolder "20 New Sheoth\\Meshes" "Meshes" TrueCopyPlugin "20 New Sheoth\\Open Cities New Sheoth.esp" "Open Cities New Sheoth.esp"ElseEndIfElseEndIfIf DialogYesNo "Ryan's Bravil Blood & Mud detected. Do you want to use the OCR version of Bravil with this mod?"CopyPlugin "01 Blood & Mud Version\\Open Cities Reborn.esp" "Open Cities Reborn.esp"ElseEndIfIf DataFileExists "bartholm.esp"If DialogYesNo "J. Sera's Bartholm has been detected. Would you like to install an open version of this city?"CopyPlugin "30 Bartholm\\Open Cities Bartholm.esp" "Open Cities Bartholm.esp"ElseEndIfElseEndIfLODString = "40 LOD Compatibility - Anvil Reborn"SelectMany "Landscape LOD Compatibility: Anvil. Select any mods you have that need LOD compatibility.",	"Castle Seaview", "UL: Lost Coast", "UL: Cliffs of Anvil"		Case 'Castle Seaview'			LODString = LODString + " + Castle Seaview"		Break		Case 'UL: Lost Coast'			LODString = LODString + " + UL Lost Coast"		Break		Case 'UL: Cliffs of Anvil'			LODString = LODString + " + UL Cliffs of Anvil"		BreakEndSelectIf LODString != "40 LOD Compatibility - Anvil Reborn"	MeshString = LODString + "\Meshes"	TexString = LODString + "\Textures"		CopyDataFolder MeshString "Meshes" True	CopyDataFolder TexString "Textures" TrueEndIfLODString = "50 LOD Compatibility - Cheydinhal Reborn"SelectMany "Landscape LOD Compatibility: Cheydinhal. Select any mods you have that need LOD compatibility.",	"UL: Arrius Creek", "UL: Rolling Hills", "UL: Cheydinhal Falls"		Case 'UL: Arrius Creek'			LODString = LODString + " + UL Arrius Creek"		Break		Case 'UL: Cheydinhal Falls'			LODString = LODString + " + UL Cheydinhal Falls"		Break		Case 'UL: Rolling Hills'			LODString = LODString + " + UL Rolling Hills"		BreakEndSelectIf LODString != "50 LOD Compatibility - Cheydinhal Reborn"	MeshString = LODString + "\Meshes"	TexString = LODString + "\Textures"		CopyDataFolder MeshString "Meshes" True	CopyDataFolder TexString "Textures" TrueEndIf

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