Balanced in the amount of damage that the enemies, can absorb per shot.
I've been watching a rather long let's play, and it's come to one point where the player is at point blank range, and does the vats to aim at the head and shoots about 5 bullets (10mm) directly into the enemy (humanoid) head, but that doesn't kill the enemy.
This seems really strange to me that 5 bullets to the head doesn't kill the enemy. I'm now up to about episode 65 of the let's play and this has pretty much gone on the entire let's play and it pretty much mimics my own experience in Fallout New Vegas which just makes me wonder if this is a balancing issue, or if it was designed this way so as to ensure that the game is not too easy for the player.
I'm not complaining, honest I'm not, I'm just curious why a humanoid or even a gecko can take 5 bullets to the head and still be standing to come attack.