So...I've been lurking the forums here to see whats going on with this 360 MP test. I got an e-mail, much like the rest of you, saying I've been invited to the test. Clicked sign up and got a confirmation message saying I'd receive instructions before the test starts.
Just so I understand: we were all sent an invite, but only a few of those actually invited got a key to participate?
If so that is pretty retarded and stupid on Crytek's part. That's like inviting all your friends to a party you're holding then turning around and saying "Oh, sorry, we don't have enough room for you, even though we invited you LOLOLOL."
Well, from what I've heard and seen, the invite was sent out to give people who had an Xbox 360 and gold subscription a chance in the MP test, as well as to gauge interest in such a test. I'm quite sure it was clearly stated several times in the email, that it was just a chance and not a guaranteed spot in the MP test :S So I personally can't see why people should be angry/annoyed at this.