I might stop playing Crysis - Had enough!

Post » Tue May 31, 2011 4:18 pm


I rebooted my suit and there was a glitch that allowed me to keep all the level of all my modules so I only needed to unlock them i.e. when I rebooted my suit I started at lvl 5 (because I have limited edition) and I had Stealth Enhance III, Weapon Pro III, Aim Enhance III etc. The others I had at III but they were greyed out until I had the unlock module.

So last night I got myself to level 13 with all my level III perks and all is dandy. I could compete easily with all the level 20+ players who had all the good modules, my only disadvantage was unsilenced weapons which wasn't too bad. I could live with that.

Before rebooting I was a 2.6 kd player, would have been a lot better but I played a lot of crash site which as you know isn't great for KD if you play the objective. You could have called me a "beast" lol I was ranked 26 in the world for kills.

So I go online today to find that keeping my modules was a glitch so I have to start with basic modules like all the low level players. I never realised how difficult the game is when everyone is a lot higher than you, it's crippling.

The game requires Stealth Enhance III or Energy Transfer. I have to keep recharging every 10-12 seconds (no ****) and when I kill someone I then have to hide to recharge by which time someone knows their teammate died right by me. I didn't realize until now how scarce energy is. Don't even get me started about energy consumed when jumping as well. I didn't have this problem before as everyone was similar level's to me when I picked up the game so everyone was on an even playing field.

Past 8-10 games. I've struggled to get 2kd, mostly it has been 1kd. If I run say from my spawn to the enemies in Evac Zone or Parking lot or wherever, I have to recharge 3-4 times. I CANNOT STAND IT!! If I don't use stealth as I run I'm a sitting duck but half the game I'm spending my time recharging. I hate walking around when the enemy is running all over the place in stealth gunning me down because I cant run around and jump to evade as I HAVE NO ENERGY.

I don't know whether I can stomach trying to get another 200 kills to get stealth enhance III which will mostly take me 15 games at this rate. Once I get it I can them go back to 2.6 KD and repair the damage done. I'm Currently 2.10 KD and it's dropping every game.

I'm starting to understand the frustrations people are having online especially for a new starter, it's pretty overwhelming and I know. I'm first prestige and good player and it's too much, I'm just too weak. For a new starter it's I'm playing the assault team on Assault and don't have any suit powers (as it's not worth running, jumping on stealth as you don't want to recharge) vs. Nanosuits with SCAR's/Scarabs etc. Coupled with enemy radars makes things even worse as your not changing position often making you even more vulberable. If I was to be a new starter, and didn't have the experience to know it was going to get better, I would have quit this game a long time ago.

I then had the great idea to play classic as I don't have any suit powers to put me on an even footing. However, I can't until I'm a high level which is ridiculous! No-one plays these modes anyway because people are high enough level's. What possessed Crytek to do this? There is no benefit or sense of achievement because once you unlock it you can't play it because no-one else has! Not everyone is a hardcoe gamer and wants to invest the time to level to 30+. It's defy's belief. When has limiting one's options been more practical than having many options.

Another point, I've said in another post that this game is not broken. I was wrong. I've been having a 3 bar most games today and usually it's fine but the past 5-6 games have been horrendous and I even changed lobbies to find better hosts but to no avail. Like other people I have put rounds into someone and they turn around and instant kill me, the same face to face. Believe me I have good aim, I'm like an aimbot and even used Aim Enhance like a noob to compensate for the lag.

I'm so pissed off right now. I'm underpowered and the hit detection and lag is awful even on a seemingly good 3 bar connection.

I think I may need to stay off this game for a few days and give it a rest because it's making me angry lol Hope Crytek fixes this mess.
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Verity Hurding
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 4:39 pm

i dont get it, the only thing i red is Rank 26 in world kills & alot of playing....

Stop being so stupid & play the gatdamn game!
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Robert DeLarosa
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 4:50 pm

I'm going to try that reboot suit option ..should I find the option as I have the Limited edition.

The game is broke and new starters are going to have a hell of a time adjusting and in most cases will just give up on the game.. but considering the the game has potential some people wont give it a chance and in many cases first impressions count so starts a vicious circle.. of new starters starting and giving up due to the countless problems.

I'm going to have one last play on this tonight and play a few games and see what happens but I think the end result will be to finish SP and then trade it in not that I want too do as I may wait for this patch that is supposedly due and hope they fix the problems but .. we shall see.
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