» Tue May 31, 2011 3:56 pm
...check the pc and ps3 forums
dude, thats the pc and ps3 patch! you really can't compare the platform versions in this matter. i.e. both pc and ps3 require an installation to play the game. the xbox doesn't. imho that's a far better explanation for the different file sizes, than a phantom patch..
While the PC and the PS3 both require an installation, and the code does look differently on the different platforms, a lot of the same 'logic' is going to apply across the board for all of the games. It's not like they were going to code movement and shooting differently if they didn't have to. All of the differences in code, at least between the PS3 and 360 version, are simply so they each respectively work on the given platform. Installation or not, modifying the underlying logic within that code is going to be somewhat the same regardless of platform, therefore the file size of the patch will be similar. Maybe not exactly the same, but much bigger than 3mb.