Have you ever had that moment when things just got so out of hand and everything is so absurd and not going your away, that you burst out laughing? I just had that moment. I was looking through the Xbox, PS3 and PC forums and they amount of issues regarding this game is unbelievable, beyond ludicrous. I laughed.
1000's of posts combined, 99% of them are bad news lol. I kinda feel sorry for the Crytek on one had because they gave it a good shot and it's all turned to s***. On the other hand, they brought this upon themselves, no-one to blame but themselves.
Save the EA pushing them excuses, there is no proof and how long does it take to program regional filters and picking good hosts? this technology has been around for years i.e. COD and Halo, they merely had to copy and paste what has worked. No need to reinvent the wheel here folks. Geez I even ran C&C Renegade on PC better than this on a dialup connection 6+ years ago with less lag and better hit detection than this, no bull.
I thought Fallout New Vegas was the worst released product, even after several huge patches it's still bad. I liked it and completed it twice but they obviously never played it before releasing it.
I'm not going to list the issues as they've already been discussed but if we take the A.I. as an example, then A.I. not attacking you, running in circles into walls or the next minute they psychically know where you are 200m away when you're in stealth has no place in modern games. This is stuff that should have been left behind 10 years ago.
Don't bother saying that we need to give them time, they've had long enough. I'm angry and going to speak freely until they ban me and invoke my freedom of speech. Two week after release I want a game that works at least to 95%! I spent time on the beta and demo and gave feedback and it was IGNORED!! why did you have all that time when nothing was solved. WHY!!!! Why did EA lie to the PS3 people when they removed the demo and said they were going to sort it before the release and then don't deliver on their promise. I don't care for the PS3 I don't have one, but I care when good, hard-working people are screwed out their money by snaked-tongued charlatans.
I have to give it you though, well done on your sales you obviously convinced me to purchase the product on the pretense it was going to work properly. I'm not usually a stupid person, but I was outsmarted on this one. Hope it was worth it because no-one is going to buy Crysis 3 if you don't sort this mess out.