[quote]"This tech test is limited to Xbox 360 consoles only this time around, so if you are interested in participating and you have an Xbox 360 gold account ready to go then please sign up below for a chance to participate in our multiplayer test!"
The main thing to read and note is this line:
"please sign up below for a chance to participate in our multiplayer test!"
Once you have clicked the button below the text from the email you received, you will then 'have a chance' to join the multiplayer test, just clicking the button does not guarantee you a spot. It is essential that we only get those users who are eligible to join in the testing session, those with an Xbox 360 console AND an Xbox live account.[/quote]
Since I signed up at the site launch back then, and just clicking the link the first time it gave me "Application already Confirmed", how am I sure that you have my gamertag/xbox 360 info? since my Xbox Live mail is different than this account's one, but the EA Account one is the same..
This is my main issue at the moment

since I can't find anywhere to see if my Xbox 360 data are correct