when bungi puts out a game they post in the forums leting people know that they understan whats going on. crytek doesnt have anyway to send em email, the statment they made with the latest patch notes acted like everthing was fine and half of what they say they fixed is broken. and they dont give a fuk about the people that preordered abd bought the game. this is stupid they act like this game was gonna be the bigest thing ever makeing half of the multiplayer modes locked till ya play for 80 hrs or somthing. the reason im so pissed is because I LOVE THE GAME i dont want to play it till they fix the pistol silencer. i cant beleive that somthing like this is a problem. what svck evan more is that everbody has the problem BUT NOBODY IS MAKEING A BIG DEAL OUT OF IT. PLEASE KEEP POSTING OVER AND OVER ABOUT THE PISTOL SILENCER
Mate, we hear you. There's only so much we can do. Look at the forums everyone's complaining about everything. Your issue far from a priority. Much more important fixes and the pistol with silencer works fine in MP. If it doesn't then use Scarab or Feline with silencer instead, better anyway.