Constructive criticism and bugs noticed so far on PC

Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 2:30 am

Crysis admin team - this isnt a whiny fanboy DX11 post (although please introduce some sort of graphics settings that tax my new GTX580 and DX11). This is a post listing the issues I have with the game in the hope that you fix them.

1 - Servers keep kicking me, saying connection to server lost. Not a major problem in itself, but when they do kick me I lose any XP i gained for stealth, power and armor while playing that server.

2 - The games need to be longer, it always feels as though the game is just getting going and then it ends and back to the menus. Need to introduce a longer running game or game type so players can really get their teeth into it. Playing quick games like it is currently just gets so boring so quick and will really turn people off this game, there will be no one playing within 2 months.

3 - There is a bug I have seen a couple of times where you can see a floating gun of an enemy that is cloaked. The gun isnt cloaked and is easily visible.

4 - I think the hit detection needs tweaking a little, as when you watch replays some people seem to be missing but still registering hits.

5 - Ban the cheats.

6 - I dont know why but something just doesnt feel quite right in the game, you can shoot some enemies with almost a full clip close up and they dont die, but sometimes you can get hit and die almost instantly from much further away. When you watch the replays, they are using the Scar or similar guns, spraying at your body and 3 shot killing, even when you have armor turned on. It feels as though some people can wipe your armor and kill you in a split second without a headshot, but for me, i can empty a clip in some people and not kill them.

That's all for now
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Catherine N
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:41 am

I get some similar problems too, hit detection seems a little borked.
An option to report someone for hacking would be great since, mere minutes ago, I encountered someone with speed and cloak hacks running and gunning in cloak.

As far as the "Lost connection to server", I get this as well, but there's also some massive lag that occurs from time to time on servers.

Love the game so far.
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Big mike
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:21 am

Thought of another one to add to the list

This one has already been mentioned a few times, but the spawn points are bad, and the maps are too small. This game is what it is like this, its fun for an hour or so, but then you get bored and move on.

Compared with something like COD, even MW2 where the lack of dedicated servers was a big drawback, this game isnt anywhere near as entertaining. You just dont feel like sitting and playing this for hours on end like COD, just to get to the next level. There just isnt that feel of playing for a reward - leveling up, new weapons, new attachments - even though these elements are there, somehow it doesnt feel as it should.

This game needs more team based games on bigger maps where playing as a team really counts, similar to the bomb plant/diffuse game on MW2 or capture the flags and tickets type match in battlefield.
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Avril Churchill
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:09 am

As for number 2 I am going to be trailing a long game over the coming days with a few extra goodies, look for the !BUTTKICKER! server :)

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KIng James
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 12:25 am

Noticed a new one tonight:

- When the enemy is cloaked, you can sometimes still see their shadow if they stand close to a wall. I noticed this on Skyline stood on one of the higher outdoor sections with an enemy stood next to a dwarf wall, his shadow was there on the wall even though I couldnt see him because he was cloaked.
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