» Sat Jan 01, 2011 8:36 pm
I played that classic mode and its the biggest pile of crap ive ever played, people just camp so hard on it and without armour the aim assist pray & spray is just magnified to a whole new level.
I like it because it allows you to take a break from the Nanosuit gameplay. The Nanosuit gameplay will always come first, but this, like I said, allows you too take a break from the armor/cloaking stuff.
Krakken - Was the camping worse or better than COD? lol
I wanted to test the mode out but can't however because now I rebooted I need to wait another 15 hours until I can play it. Hopefully in the next week people will actually be in a lobby.
I noticed some camping today but it was because I played on Lighthouse and Skyline...
Yeah the locking of playlists after Rebooting is stupid, svcks for the guys who've done that.