New trailer " Multiplayer" trailer , really corny

Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 5:01 pm
sigh this is not COD
They even bich slap PC players more in the face by saying "360 exclusive demo" at the end.

and i really dont think there will be this kind of teamwork in consoles online since i used to own a console until is broke.
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Stephanie I
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 6:06 am

Welcome to the club.
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 7:43 pm

Haven't even bothered watching. Not playing the demo on anything but a PC.
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 6:40 pm

Take the original Crysis, remove the vehicles, make all the maps sized medium-small to tiny, limit the number of players to 6 vs 6 (instead of 20 more players at 16 vs 16), take control away from the player over the nanosuit, remove lean, and remove prone. Now you have Crysis 2!

Hey, at least now you can slide in this game. Totally makes up for all the missing features! Oh wait, there's more! There are also features ripped directly from Call of Duty, like killcam and perks. I suppose the sliding symbolizes Crytek and EA sliding into mediocrity.
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Haley Merkley
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 6:07 pm

least the graphics will be great, but game play console-ish
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Marina Leigh
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 5:32 pm

I think it looks like a lot of fun. You can never tell until you have actually played the game.
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 12:43 am

Take the original Crysis, remove the vehicles, make all the maps sized medium-small to tiny, limit the number of players to 6 vs 6 (instead of 20 more players at 16 vs 16), take control away from the player over the nanosuit, remove lean, and remove prone. Now you have Crysis 2!

Hey, at least now you can slide in this game. Totally makes up for all the missing features! Oh wait, there's more! There are also features ripped directly from Call of Duty, like killcam and perks. I suppose the sliding symbolizes Crytek and EA sliding into mediocrity.

there will be lean in the game, not sure if your correct about the prone part, and killcam is suddenly a bad thing? same with perks? if you havnt noticed, more people play CoD than any other game on the planet, must have done something right.
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Kill Bill
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 10:30 pm

Lean is Singleplayer only and prone does not exist anymore. As long as Crytek takes those things from Call of Duty, makes it unique, and refines it, I am okay with ideas like killcams and such.

Assist in the struggle for a multiplayer demo on all platforms!
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Chris BEvan
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 6:42 pm

Take the original Crysis, remove the vehicles, make all the maps sized medium-small to tiny, limit the number of players to 6 vs 6 (instead of 20 more players at 16 vs 16), take control away from the player over the nanosuit, remove lean, and remove prone. Now you have Crysis 2!

Hey, at least now you can slide in this game. Totally makes up for all the missing features! Oh wait, there's more! There are also features ripped directly from Call of Duty, like killcam and perks. I suppose the sliding symbolizes Crytek and EA sliding into mediocrity.

there will be lean in the game, not sure if your correct about the prone part, and killcam is suddenly a bad thing? same with perks? if you havnt noticed, more people play CoD than any other game on the planet, must have done something right.
JUst because its popular does not make it good
besides i bet more than half of cod players are kids
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Matthew Warren
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 5:26 am

Yeah, what Call of Duty did right was pander to shallow gamers who only care about flash. Call of Duty is paper-thin in the gameplay department. Killstreaks and perks are essentially flashy rewards for completing simple tasks. Sort of like a lab rat getting cheese when pressing the correct button.
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 5:12 am

Majority of COD & MW players won't BUY this game, it's NoT HoLLyWooD enough for them, No Crazy killstreaks, Emblems, Knife lunges & Arcady Graphics! CRYTEK I believe is just looking at a bigger picture than the Angry Ranters we have in our community (majority that say don't buy it still end up buying it same with the ppl that said I canceled my pre-order)! How do I know this the Similar garbage was ranted about Black Ops & Look how many copies that sold worldwide unbelievable, still laughable now! I've reiterated this before & will say it once more it will sell more games on console than PC, let's even narrow it down even more, it will sell more on 360 than PS3 why cos of these reasons, Majority of the biggest gaming titles that have released multiplatform have proven so already, IF you can capture a huge market of 360 gamers for CRYTEK that increases their profits & future developments in other games & lastly it's about that product awareness, the more ppl that own a game the more it's gonna reach the hands and in the disc tray of ppl that don't own the game, so it's a clever strategy really & it's gonna work for them, you'll see after release, numbers won't dwindle & tbh it won't outsell BlackFlops or ModerNoobFare, but it will establish itself as a Serious contender in today's Market of FPS
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