I'd like ask Crytek, why they didn't think about to release demo on PC. Those who get preorder of crysis 2 should have access to play beta test or demo. Why we, the honest players who are waiting for the next four years are deprived of the opportunity to test the game. Is it really so good Crytek confident that puts the game in hand ready to Xbox 360 owners in advance of the players on the PC ? Crytek don't think about what the error committed with Rockstar Games and Grand Theft Auto IV. Are we going to have to deal with the game fully well polished. Without bugs, errors ? Do we really create a good game, you have to rely only on the graphics ? Looks about crysis 1. There was beta test. Thanks to players who played in the beta able to share the opinion that still does not fit. Thanks to this final version was really good. So I really would like to say that Crytek rethink the matter on to release a beta or demo for the PC gamers.
Best regards, FuZzZzzz