Mk. 20 Superior Combat Assault Rifle [SCAR]
Attachments: Gauss, Reflex
Armor Module: Nano Enhance
Stealth Module: Tracker
Power Module: Point Fire Enhance
Gauss Attachment takes some serious practice for it to be useful... it kills in 2 shots, or 1 to the head. If you are low ping, you'll be able to get kills with it. If not, don't bother. Grenade launcher may work better for you. I just like gauss because it's difficult to use, and therefore more of a skill weapon.
General tactic tips for loadout: stealth from cover to cover, observe the battlefield while in cloak, support team mates. Best not to use Gauss unless against gunship or ranged opponents (takes gunship down in 5 shots). Will not help if the enemy knows that you're there. Use from a distance.
Tracker helps find enemy locations if they try to outmaneuver me. Nano enhance will improve my ability to fight for longer durations when fully upgraded (gives faster recharge for energy in addition to health, good for FFA gametypes). Point Fire enhance helps keep the weapon accurate when firing from the hip.
Might create a loadout dependent on these three modules: Armor Enhance, Stealth Enhance, and Mobility Enhance.