
Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 5:22 pm

I dont lnow if im the only one who has noticed this, but, i think the SCAR is totally unbalanced, being a lvl 0 weapon...
A dude, can kill me with the SCAR, even if he has his back against me, i shoot him at close range with the Marshall, and by the time my char i pumping a new shot, he has killed me...
And one more thing, i think that you shouldnt be able to get headshot so damn easily!!
In a head to head gunfight, it should take 2 shots to the head to kill... Not one. Think, we go epic nano helmets, yet even pistol bullets will penetrate them instantly
Thats all i had to say
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CHangohh BOyy
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 9:52 pm

Also for me scar need a nerf
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Gen Daley
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 3:23 pm

This is one problem i have with crysis 2. In all shooters ALL guns should be balanced. In crysis 2, there just not. The Mk6 LMG is really overpowered in my opinion. Its too good at close range and long range. It really reminds me of the M60 LMG in Battlefield: Bad Company 2. That was really overpowered until they bought in that much needed patch. So im hoping for a patch in crysis 2 that will even out the guns a bit more. I mean, has anybody tried the shotguns. I am being honest here by saying i have never been killed by a shotgun. That is how immensly useless they are.
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 6:45 am

Scar needs nerf, To good at everything its recoiless CQB Sniper shotgun machine gun wtf lol, (German company OP a belgian rifle suprise!!!)
Scarab needs nerf, same applies here just not as much,

Vtol needs buff, it got Slow moving projectile which glow which highlighting position of the user without the use of Threat Tracer, the energy drain svcks even vs Scar you lose in SQB due the dmg is so inferior to the scar even if u got energy drain vs the armor it does not matter, it will pwn again and again nice SMG Close-Quarters weapon lol...

Mashall needs buff like hell wth!!! most useless weapon in game to date, even with silencer & Energy Transfer

The Mike needs a buff, no one even consider it a weapon it just for well show, no not even that it just hugs space on my hard drive!!
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Saul C
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 1:46 am

1. Why shouldn't the Scar (Superior Combat Assault Rifle) be the best weapon? Ever wondered why the world is using Assault Rifles?
2. Do you really want to play a game where people with higher ranks constantly own you because they've unlocked a weapon you don't have? They already have the powerful suit modules...
3. The last good players I talked to named the Feline or the silenced Scarab their favorite weapons.
4. The last mediocre players that killed me used the MK60 hipfire to headshot me, just sayin.
5. Getting turned on at this time is more an engine related lag issue, rather than unbalance. I think it's really too early to talk about balance, as long as the game doesn't run properly, at least on pc. Maybe on console combined with AutoAim you do have a point, I don't know. Looks like xbox version is running ok, is it?
6. Out of all the thing that can be messed up in a game, I think they did a pretty good job on balance, as far as I can tell right now (laggin throu the maps like the Nightcrawler). Let's have them fix the issues first, before we ask for detailed content modifications.
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Chad Holloway
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 4:35 pm

Yep, the SCAR really needs to be nerfed, just like the Feline and the SCARAB and the ...100-in-Clip Gun.
We should live as long as in SP and the maps should be reaaally huge. That would give you the feeling of OPness (because everyone's shooting at you but you just go ahead and kill them), just like in SP, but without this damn 3hit-Weapons. And come on - How can an "old" weapon like the SCAR 3hit a nanosuit-user, when an alien-weapon can not?
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Cameron Garrod
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 3:41 am

I dont know, I felt the same way at first, but now Im not so sure anymore. And MaxPower82, the OP is not saying higher level weapons should be more powerful, he says they should be equally powerful, which I agree upon. SCAR should definitely NOT be better then other weapons, who cares about the name? This is a game, its supposed to be fun, choices are fun. If Scar was superior then there is no choice is there?! Im just unsure if Scar really is OP anymore. I dont use shotgun so I cant say for those. As for sniper rifle, they require more skill to use, but when you have that skill it will destroy a scar player. Me personally favor the Feline, its just freakin' awesome!
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Rachel Hall
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 1:12 am

Stop whining about everything. This game is sweet. If anything the shot gun should kill from alot further away. If you have ever shot one in real life you would know that it's unrealistic to need to be within 10 ft to kill. The scar is an assault rifle in real life you could easily shot something at long range with it. This isn't call of duty your in an super suit that can compensate for recoil so yea it's a bit recoiless. Quit crying about balance guns arnt balanced in real life why should they be in a futuristic shooter
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 4:58 pm

Glad you guys are enjoying the multi..more or less

can't even get in.
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Harry Hearing
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 7:07 pm

a couple things need to be nurfed
1. fire rate on the feline, you burn through ammo like water
2. mk. 60 needs to be nurfed to a 50 round mag
3. grendle needs to be made a real gun its a 4 hit right now, not counting armour
4. k-volt, shouldnt affect people using a certain armour/power perk instead of draining everyones power
5. melee, small glitch, you miss a stealth kill you hit him once, even get the hit marker, then you have to hit him 2 more times to kill him??????
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Monika Fiolek
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 10:47 pm

but they should fix some of the bigger problems first though, it might solve some of the smaller once too
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Kieren Thomson
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 3:28 am

Stop whining about everything. This game is sweet. If anything the shot gun should kill from alot further away. If you have ever shot one in real life you would know that it's unrealistic to need to be within 10 ft to kill. The scar is an assault rifle in real life you could easily shot something at long range with it. This isn't call of duty your in an super suit that can compensate for recoil so yea it's a bit recoiless. Quit crying about balance guns arnt balanced in real life why should they be in a futuristic shooter

Toll somewhere elts, they have a point its called a GAME, and the scar in game and the SCAR IRL are two compleatly different weapon systems, the scar ingame uses a smaller round, so it should have lower damage the SCAR in real life uses the standered 5.56 or 7.62 which are obsolite compaird to the 6.8 Grendle, wich the Grendle uses, and its still a 4 hit kill compaired to the 3 hit scar. do your research before talking
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Maya Maya
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 12:19 am

Here's the best thing to add to this game RECOIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! m60 should have hiiiiiigh recoil, then thats fixed as for the rest Scar & Scarab, i don't bother anymore its up for CryTek to figure out
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Daddy Cool!
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 5:27 am

Have u try the pump action add on scarb ? i target a enemy, i'm stealthed, face to face in lower position, half meter distant from him, point to his face and required me 2 shoot what 's the sense a melee attack make the same.
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Emma Copeland
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 5:22 pm

Alright! People are talking the absolute truth!
Add recoil
lower dmg on scar and scarab
lower the mag capacity of the MK
cloak tracer should last longer
Increase MARSHALLS effiency, for range, more accuracy
Weapon pro should make the pump of Marshall faster
The binocular spotting, should give the spotter a "spot assist"
Air stomp, should be made a faster move

Theres something for Crytek to think about :)
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josh evans
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 8:53 pm

So a friend runs a server, we played around a bit, just to test the balance. here's how op the scar is.
I had (of stuff that matters)
Mk60 mod 0 with rapid fire, extended clip, reddot
he had
thats it - he had no shooting modules whatsoever, nor a sight or anything

We stood 10 ft apart and aimed at the chest and unloaded. I LOST.

I love the concept of this game, but op weapons and **** anti-cheat, coupled with the stat loss issues and the fact that i have to rebuy attachments every time... I can't take it crytek. I rage every **** time i play this game. without fail.

Oh, and a grendle should be a oneburst kill to keep up with the scar. cause its AN UPGRADE!!!
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