Why are you not fixing the main problem's Crytek???

Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 7:22 am

It has been 2 months since this game came out and still no fix for lag or matchmaking issues. Why have you not fixed or addressed these game breaking issues???

Brink was released with some of these same problems and that company put a fix to address these issues out one week after release....what is the problem here?

Are you working on these problems....a little feedback on this subject would be much appreciated because I would really like to play the "perfect" game you promised all of your customers. Please don't tell me you are still gathering information on these problems after all this time. I am no expert on these things but if Brink can put a fix out within a week of release then there really is no excuse to still have these problems after 2 months.
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Cagla Cali
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