No. Let's say that popularity is the amount of people who play or are aware of the game. Popularity means that the the game was well advertised - thus it is well-known and popular. Your assumption is based on the implication that a game will be more well-known if the game is of good quality. A game can be popular and of bad quality - the two are not mutually exclusive. Thus, because the contrapositive of the implication that your argument is based on is not true (if a game is not of good quality it is not popular), your argument that if a game is popular, it is of good quality, is not logically sound.
Popularity doesn't equal quality. You can sell a **** game to a lot of people and it doesn't magically make it better.
thats bull. a quality multiplayer experience for me, is having a whole lot of people each with their own unique style. when i play search and destroy on CoD, i truely feel like im fighting an intelligent, probably better than me, badass, and that im going to have to be quick and smart, play on his terms, and then silently take him out with a surpressed weapon. you cant get that feeling from an unpopular multiplayer game, especially crysis. you just cant, crysis sp was great at letting me do this. the mp, its just people running around, occasionally diving to prone to take out enemies from a distance, or spraying and fragging at close range.