When will their be a PS3 multi-player beta does anyone know. I was invited to the Xbox mp beta but my Xbox broke down unfortunately and not getting a new one. So hopefully their will be one soon for the PS3 and hopefully I'm invited to that one:) Big Fan.
Also when will the next Crysis Tv episode come out its been like 2 months and I thought you guys would be releasing one every month, don't know if you stopped though. And congratulations!!!! on the Red-Dot award
I think they will wait with the episode 4 till the 27th wen the demo launches. So they′ve got something to talk about. And most likely fill the whole episode with gameplay of the demo (wich we arent interested in). I dont mind if the episode wont come. Its always a summary of what happend in the 2 months before.
EP.4 may be released in the next few weeks. Although don't count on me. The last 2 episodes were okay, but we knew mostly everything. However, we don't exactly know what Episode 4 will contain, in any case, I've heard it's going to be for SP more than MP.