» Wed Jan 05, 2011 1:59 pm
Love the game! Not sure what's with the problems some people are having with the game, but I'm doing fine besides the eventual no sound. People who complain about the game and say it svcks are just idiots. If you hate it so much why are you making an account on this forum just to day that?
@ Camoufrage: First let me tell you, because im sure noone ever did, that you are absolutely PATHETIC. Instead of spending time calling idiots to others look at you and at what you write in here and try to determine how idiot you really are comparing to the ones you believe are the idiots... Trust me when i tell you that you surely win that contest!
After this wake up call, what i would like to say is that after the patch there are a few things that are COMPLETLY ruinning my experience and making me think twice if it is worth the time and the stress i get playing that silly silly game as it is right now:
1. (onde again and #1 complaint) L A G!
2. Terrible host selection!
3. NAT Moderate - WHY?
4. To many games played with sound problems or no sound at all!
5. To many times losing connection to host
6. To many times losing 1 ou 2 friends from party when trying to enter a game
7. Huge problems trying to find a lobby. Its hard to believe there are so few players online that it takes such an eternity to find 5-6 players to form a lobby. Something has to be terribly wrong!
8. Impossible to "cancel" activation of the orbital strike. Plus the autistic idea of automaticaly activate it if one spend to many time thinking where to place it...
9. Same thing with grenades/explosives. Why do i have to trow my grenade if in the meantime i change my opinion? doesnt make ANY sense!
These are, to me, the most serious problems which need to be solved ASAP.
Its incredible the ammount of complaints everybody posted, a few years ago, about a FPS (that always bring up a lot of hatred among some of us) - MW2 - but until now i havent understood why developers cant copy that HAWFULL, TERRIBLE, UNPLAYABLE online multiplayer... yes because it was a VERY BAD game but somehow me and a few other ppl managed to play it without so many issues as we have been having in recent FPS games... WHATS THE SECRET????
Please Crytek do something about this otherwise im one of those who will prefer to play an AWFULL game such as MW2 rather than this... ...i dont know what to call it right now... sorry...
And I apologise if i've been an idiot...