» Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:41 am
Only way is if AND THATS A BIG IF when they have finished with all the OVER PRICED DLC they might release a SDK!!! But don't expect Sand Box 3.
There have been YouTube videos of sandbox 3 used on the leaked version of Crysis 3. And there have been game reviews sites that have said Crytek have said there will be this and that i mean DX 11 and allot of old stuff coming with the game on release. but they have also said on tweets and and Forum post also saying this and that only to be removed and denied even though it came from there own official tweets and forum post. so all in all nobody knows what crytek is thinking of doing since they now have sold over 100.000 units for PC and that's with a crap load of hacked copies out there!! In short they have our money and its now party time and bonus time for them...