» Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:06 pm
this is disgusting, another piece of evidence of catering to console gamers. I also like the part where the guy says it will be easier to change modes in console than on PC...in the controls can be hotkeyed to the middle mouse button then it still wont be faster than the mouse.
also if this is in mutliplayer, it will ruin it. i don't care if it's to "Help" the 360 controller users...it shouldnt be in multiplayer..they can play with a mouse and keyboard like everyone else if they choose to give themselves a disadvantage by using a 360 controller then they shouldnt get autoaim for it
IIRC, Crysis had the ability to allow/disallow controllers from the server end. This is to ensure any balance issues are taken care of. I'd dare say this would also be available in Crysis 2 MP.
As for your opening sentence, yes, Crytek are catering to console gamers, that's evidenced by the fact the game is being released on console as well as PC. The ability to use a controller with snap-to aim does not indicate in any way shape or form that the game is a console 'port'. It's an additional option. If mouse aiming had snap-to that couldn't be disabled, then i'd happily admit that would be a sign of a console port.
I was also aided by significantly improved game-pad support in Crysis 2. I was playing the PC version of the game with a wired 360 controller, and aside from the raw visual splendor on the screen - and seriously, I'm not one to to fellate the original Crysis's graphics, since I found them a little boring, but DAMN is Crysis 2 looking amazing on PC - it played very smoothly. Crytek has thrown in some snap-to targeting on the left trigger and a bit of aim assist to boot, and configurations are customizable, a major change from the last game. Switching between powers might actually be easier on the 360 pad than on the PC; pulling off manuevers like taking aim, quickly uncloaking and firing, then cloaking again are pulled off quickly using the bumper to phase in and out.