You seem to be the very definition of "fanboy" who thinks cause you had no problems running the game, that the game must be perfect, and everyone else is just stupidly seeing things that don't exist. There would not be a ton of people having issues with lots of bugs and glitches throughout the game if it were "perfect". There would not have been a need for any patches at all if it were "perfect".
You may think the game itself is great, but its far from perfect in a technical standpoint. I think the game was a lot of fun, but would of been better had it been tested a bit longer and more issues ironed out. There are plenty of youtube video's and more to come, of graphical glitches, AI glitches, and even loading glitches. Lets not forget that a lot of people have had the serial code not saving, and the "code already in use" issue. Good game? Sure. Perfect? Not even close, no game is, and ignoring problems (or insulting people who find them) just cause you personally don't see them doesn't make them not exist, and sure as heck doesn't get them fixed in future patches.
Now, I think a LOT of people are complaining about some really trivial stuff related to art direction and gameplay/level design, and feel it is ignorant to claim the game svcks just cause its not exactly like the first game's style of play or doesn't bring an alienware system to its knees. The graphics are generally great, with exception to graphical bugs I have found (shadows and lights disappearing depending on direction your looking, enemies being turned in weird ways when grabbing them, rain not occluding in indoor areas, or disappearing in outdoor areas, etc...), but still find it amazing they got this to run on the consoles without using a pre-baked lighting system.
And if you want to claim i'm just a "newbie", I took programming when I was 16, worked as a computer and network tech for years before joining the Army enlisted as a radio operator/tech, and now have 14 years of computer and networking background experience.
Like the Reaperman said earlier, great post. I completely agree with you. Someone should sticky this