I need a new Limited Edition code.

Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:55 pm

I would like a new Limited Edition code. The following reason.
I created, full of anticipation, a gamesas.com account. I solved the limited edition code from my nano edition. Unfortunately I had with this
Account no access to the multiplayer, so I deleted that account.
I created a new account with a different email address. Unfortunately I could not think of this code to redeem it, he was already consumed.
I've turned down at the EA support to get a new one.
This meant that he was not responsible and should I contact gamesas.com.
Unfortunately there is no answer, so I write this post.
Perhaps to get here a new one.
I think that I certainly am not the only one who was given it so.

My Deleted Account: warbich on email: michael.merk@me.com

Ich h?tte gerne einen neuen Limited Edition code. Aus folgendem Grund.
Ich erstellte, voller vorfreude, einen gamesas.com account. Ich l?ste den LimitedEdition code aus meiner NanoEdition ein. Leider hatte ich mit diesem
Account keinen Zugang zum Multiplayer, also l?schte ich diesen Account.
Ich erstellt einen neuen Account mit einer anderen emailadresse. Leider konnte ich auf diesem meinen code nicht einl?sen, da er schon verbraucht war.
Ich hab mich an den EA Support gewendet, um einen neuen zu bekommen.
Dieser meinte, er sei nicht zust?ndig und soll mich an gamesas.com wenden.
Hier kommt leider keine Antwort, deswegen schreibe ich diesen Post.
Um vielleicht hier einen neuen zu bekommen.
Ich denke, das ich bestimmt nicht der einzigste bin, dem es so erging.

Mein gel?schter Account. warbich an email: michael.merk@me.com

Sry for bad english.
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Jonathan Egan
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:46 pm

I created an account on the gamesas website called "The Torch", and redeemed my LE code on this account. But in the game I found that I could not enter a space character in the Nickname field. So now I created a new account from in-game called "Locutus.0f.Borg" (that's a zero in 0f, not O).

I thought that if I deleted the account "The Torch", my LE code would be freed up and I could redeem it in my new account, but it says the usage limit has been exceeded. Please transfer my LE bonus items to my new account. This is the bonus stuff I had:

Limited Edition items
- Bonus XP
- Unique Platinum Dog Tag
- SCAR Weapon Skin - Digital
- Hologram Decoy

EA STORE exclusive pre-order bonus items
- Unique Gold Dog Tag
- Threat Awareness Module
- SCAR Weapon Skin - Desert
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