» Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:16 pm
The only thing that i like on MW2 are the weapons, many and very well made but i play on cod 4 on 32 players with a "OW2 mod" (same weapons on mw2 but on cod 4) because, IHMO, more players more fun.
MW2 It was created in "nowadays format" and gives to player all that he wants, weapons that sees on a tv series, and a lot of multiplayers game modes, and it's easy deliver some DLC or upgrade
C2 is good now for game modes ( to be honest CW on multiplayer had suffered for this ) but the "sci fi format" makes it old, barely a month after the release, (it's the nature of the sci fi genre)
and this console feature of 12 players, i believe that will lose a lot of PC players is too little compared to BFBC2, HOMEFRONT, Killzone 3 etc. etc
i had hoped more in a BF2142 style, instead of COD style but, I may be wrong